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Deploy a Web Server Using Python and IBM Code Engine

IntermediateGuided Project

In this guided project, you'll learn how to take any project you've built, containerize it, and easily deploy it to a Code Engine server.

4.4 (232 Reviews)


  • English


  • Containers

Enrollment Count

  • 1.49K

Skills You Will Learn

  • Python

Offered By

  • IBM

Estimated Effort

  • 1 hour


  • SkillsNetwork

Last Update

  • March 28, 2025
About this Guided Project

Learn by Doing

A guided project is a hands-on tutorial designed to help you learn a particular technology by doing a real project. It includes step-by-step instructions with explanations, examples and exercises that can be followed and practiced in a lab environment.

Hands-on skills are highly sought out by employers when determining job readiness. 

Guided projects are interactive, on-demand and will equip you with practical abilities that can be applied on the job!

A Look at the Project Ahead

Once you have completed this project, you'll be able to:
  • Create lightweight, standardized apps using Docker containers
  • Use the IBM Cloud command-line interface
  • Upload your containers to IBM Cloud Container Registry
  • Deploy your containers on IBM Code Engine

What You’ll Need 

To do this project, you will need the following:

Your Instructor

Arnav Shah, IBM


Arnav Shah

Software Developer Intern @ IBM

15 y/o SWD Intern @ IBM | ML researcher.

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Leon Katsnelson

Director & CTO, IBM Developer Skills Network

I've had a very productive career in tech. I've touched many areas from mainframe, to manufacturing automation (IoT), to databases, big data, data science and AI, blockchain, and of course full stack and cloud-native development and DevOps. I started my career in test and QA, did quite a bit of development, product management, team leadership, and people management before becoming an executive. I had some great wins including bringing to market a billion $ product. And had some failures along the way. But throughout my career, one thing has always remained constant. I learned everything I could and used every chance I had to get a new skill. My goal in life is to help those who have an appetite for learning to acquire knowledge and skill to build their career or simply become better users of the latest tech.

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