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HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Beginners


Discover HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: the fundamental languages to create visually engaging, interactive websites.

5.0 (1 Reviews)


  • English


  • Web Development

Skills You Will Learn

  • Web Development, Cloud Development, Version Control, CSS, Bootstrap, Front End Web Development

Offered By

  • IBMSkillsNetwork

Estimated Effort

  • 5 weeks


  • SkillsNetwork

Last Update

  • September 15, 2024
About This course
Over 70 percent of businesses have websites. Most businesses use web- and cloud-based software to conduct their business, both internally and customer-facing. If you would like to tap into this industry, this course helps you discover the most used languages, frameworks, and tools you need to create interactive and engaging websites and web-based applications. 
The course begins with teaching you about the roles of front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers and how they work together on development projects. Become familiar with the terminology and skills needed to start a career as a web developer. 
Explore HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the languages needed for developing websites and web-based applications. You will learn to use HTML and CSS to complement each other and create engaging visual designs. Then, you learn how JavaScript provides the interactive aspects to your visual design including functionality such as interactive forms, content modification, and sophisticated menu systems. 
Empowered with the fundamentals of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, you can combine these technologies to create website structure, format, and layouts, integrated with rich, interactive applications. These languages enable you to create interactive and beautifully designed user interfaces for your applications.  
In this course, you will practice what you learn with numerous hands-on labs. At the end of the course, you will apply everything you learned in a final project by creating a webpage to showcase your skills and make a great addition to your portfolio! 

Course Syllabus

Module 1: Introduction to Application Development 
  • Overview of Web and Cloud Development 
  • Insiders' Viewpoints: Aspects of the Web Development Lifecycle 
  • Learning Front-End Development 
  • Insiders' Viewpoints: Front-end and Back-end Web Development 
  • Introducing Application Development Tools 
  • More Application Development Tools 
  • Insiders' Viewpoints: Tools and Technologies 
  • The Importance of Back-End Development 
  • Demo: Web Development in Action 
Module 2: HTML Overview 
  • Introduction to HTML 
  • HTML Features 
  • Hands-On Lab: Intro to HTML (JSFiddle) 
  • HTML Management and Support 
  • HTML Scripting 
  • Insiders' Viewpoints: Working with HTML and CSS 
  • Common HTML Elements 
  • Hands-On Lab: HTML - Creating a Simple Web Page 
Module 3: CSS Overview & HTML5 Elements  
  • HTML5 Tags and Structural Elements 
  • Common HTML5 Tags and Structural Elements 
  • Hands-on Lab: Unit Conversion using HTML5 Structural Elements 
  • HTML5 Input Element: Attributes for the Input Tag 
  • Additional HTML Elements: HTML Fieldset and Legend Tag 
  • CSS: Styling HTML 
  • CSS Frameworks 
  • Hands-On Lab: CSS Basics - Styling Your Web Page 
Module 4: JavaScript Programming for Web Applications 
  • JavaScript Language: Overview and Syntax 
  • JavaScript: Variables and Control Statements 
  • JavaScript: Functions and Prototypes 
  • JavaScript APIs 
  • JavaScript APIs 
  • Client-Side JavaScript: with HTML 
  • Insiders' Viewpoints: JavaScript Best Practices 
  • Hands-On Lab: JavaScript 
  • Client-Side JavaScript: with DOM 
  • Hands-on Lab: Javascript - Browser Console  
  • Using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript 
  • JavaScript Frameworks 
Module 5: Career Opportunities and Final Project 
  • Hands-On Lab: Simple Interest Calculator 
  • Final Project Overview and Review Criteria 
  • Hands-On Lab: Single-Page Portfolio Website  
  • Publish your Portfolio to Github Pages 
  • Insiders' Viewpoints: Career Paths for Web Application Development 

What You'll Learn

  • Describe the web application development ecosystem and associated terminology  
  • Explain the functions of web frameworks and integrated development environments (IDEs) used for web application development 
  • Create web page structure using HTML and style web pages with CSS 
  • Write JavaScript to develop interactive and dynamic web pages 

Recommended Skills Before Taking this Course

  • Basic computer literacy. 
  • Understanding of cloud computing concepts and terminology. 


Rav Ahuja

Global Program Director, IBM Skills Network

Rav Ahuja is a Global Program Director at IBM. He leads growth strategy, curriculum creation, and partner programs for the IBM Skills Network. Rav co-founded Cognitive Class, an IBM led initiative to democratize skills for in demand technologies. He is based out of the IBM Canada Lab in Toronto and specializes in instructional solutions for AI, Data, Software Engineering and Cloud. Rav presents at events worldwide and has authored numerous papers, articles, books and courses on subjects in managing and analyzing data. Rav holds B. Eng. from McGill University and MBA from University of Western Ontario.

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