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Building Django Applications with Databases


Learn the basics of SQL, Django and Bootstrap through instructional videos and apply your knowledge by deploying a full-stack Django web application on the cloud.


  • English


  • Database


  • Information Technology

Skills You Will Learn

  • Django, Databases, SQL, Object Relational Mappin, Back-end Development

Offered By

  • IBMSkillsNetwork

Estimated Effort

  • 5 weeks


  • SkillsNetwork

Last Update

  • September 25, 2024
About this course
We store vast amounts of data in relational databases. Understanding and manipulating this data using SQL is an essential skill for application developers. This course provides you with instruction and hands-on experiences accessing, processing, and presenting data.  
Learn the basics of SQL, a simple and powerful programming language for querying and managing data, and the fundamentals of cloud databases. You will explore fundamental database concepts such as object-relational mapping (ORM), and object-oriented programming (OOP) languages to work with databases. 
You will use Django, a fast and simple open-source web framework, to simplify your applications. using Django models, views, and templates, which work together to provide and present your web application with the data in your database. You will also use Django’s powerful admin site functionality to manage site content. Finally, you discover Bootstrap, a free and open-source web front-end framework. 
As a final project, you will gain hands-on practical experience developing and deploying a full-stack Django web application on the cloud. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain what it means to model data 
  • Perform database operations such as insert, select, update, and delete using SQL 
  • Design a data model using the Object Relational Model (ORM) 
  • Use Bootstrap to build interactive web pages 
  • Develop a Django powered applications using models, views, and templates  
  • Deploy your Django app on the cloud 


  • GitHub 
  • HTML & CSS 
  • Python 

Course Syllabus:

Module 1: Getting Started with SQL and Relational Databases 
  • Relational Databases 
  • Non-relational Databases  
  • Relational Data Concepts  
  • Hands-on Lab: Relational Data Concepts 
  • SELECT Statement 
  • Hands-on Lab: Simple SELECT Statements 
  • INSERT Statement 
  • UPDATE and DELETE Statements 
  • Hands-on Lab: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE 
Module 2: ORM: Bridging the Gap Between the Real World and Relational Models 
  • Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) 
  • Django Model 
  • Hands-on Lab: Create Your First Django Model 
  • Optional Hands-on Lab: Create a Standalone Django ORM Project Template 
  • Django Models CRUD 
  • Hands-on Lab: CRUD on Django Model Objects 
  • Related Objects 
  • Query Spanning Relationships 
Module 3: Full-stack Django Development 
  • Django Model-View-Template (MVT) Pattern 
  • Create a Django App 
  • Hands-on Lab: Create Your First Django App and Deploy using Docker 
  • Django Admin 
  • Hands-on Lab: Django Admin  
  • Django Views 
  • Django Template 
  • Hands-on Lab: Views and Templates 
Module 4: Consolidate and Deploy Your Django App 
  • Class-based and Generic Class Views 
  • Hands-on Lab: Class-based and Generic Views 
  • Django Authentication System 
  • Hands-on Lab:  Django Authentication 
  • Bootstrap 
  • Hands-on Lab: Bootstrap Integration 
  • Django Static Files  
  • Deploy Your Django Apps  
Module 5: Final Project
  • Final Project: Add a New Assessment Feature to an Online Course App 


Rav Ahuja

Global Program Director, IBM Skills Network

Rav Ahuja is a Global Program Director at IBM. He leads growth strategy, curriculum creation, and partner programs for the IBM Skills Network. Rav co-founded Cognitive Class, an IBM led initiative to democratize skills for in demand technologies. He is based out of the IBM Canada Lab in Toronto and specializes in instructional solutions for AI, Data, Software Engineering and Cloud. Rav presents at events worldwide and has authored numerous papers, articles, books and courses on subjects in managing and analyzing data. Rav holds B. Eng. from McGill University and MBA from University of Western Ontario.

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Yan Luo

Data Scientist

Yan Luo

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